Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm trying to memorize Hiragana. I have learned well a part of the phonetic alphabet but there are a few characters left that I can't force my mind to remember. Maybe this is happening because some sounds are more common than others. I'm practicing by writing sentences with familiar words. I also try to listen to J-pop songs and search for familiars words in the song lyrics. Most often I can't encounter any because my vocabulary is very limited at this point. This gives me incentive to translate the songs on my own and learn new words, which I find both interesting and educational. I wish I could remember the words from the textbook in the same easy way...


satoza said...

オルガさんは おんがく(music)が すきですか?

I would like to know which songs you listened. Maybe we can listen some in class.

asai said...


わたしも フランスご(French)を はじめたばかりです。はつおんが とても むずかしいです。わたしも オルガさんのように、おんがくを きいて れんしゅう しようと おもいます。

Satomi said...

どの ひらがなが むずかしいですか? 「る」と「ろ」は よくにていますよね。きっと おぼえられるので、 たのしんでください。

Unknown said...

こんにちは。TAのますや です。

わたしは たくさん かいて おぼえました。オルガさんも たくさん かいたら ひらがなが おぼえられるかも しれません。

おんがくは Listening にも いいですね。